4 Tips For Handling A Child With Autism


As a parent, it’s hard to know how to handle the challenges presented by autism. You want your child to have a good and happy life, but when they’re facing this condition, it can seem like everything’s lost. There are some steps you can take though that will help you navigate these difficult times and help your child cope as well.

It’s ok to be afraid.

It’s okay to be afraid. Most parents who have children on the spectrum feel at least some fear, and if you don’t, it could be because you’re not paying close enough attention to your child or your family as a whole. If you can’t handle everything yourself and need help, that’s okay too! No one expects you to do this alone—you should look for support within your community and ask for help when needed.

It’s also okay if you make mistakes along the way; everyone makes them from time to time (including me). You will learn from them, grow as a person, and become more confident in handling situations that arise with people like my son in the future because of those mistakes.

So take heart: all of these things—fear; asking for assistance; making mistakes; feeling overwhelmed by stressors both large and small—are all totally normal responses when caring for someone else with special needs like autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Don’t try to hide it from your child.

  • Don’t try to hide it from your child.
  • There’s no need to feel ashamed of your child’s autism, or pretend that they’re “normal.”
  • Your child will get plenty of practice dealing with other people who don’t understand or accept their autism. It’s better if they see you coming out and openly talking about it as a parent than if they feel like you’re hiding something from them, because most kids with autism are very sensitive to feeling like they’ve been kept in the dark.

Keep a record of questions that you want answers to.

Keep a record of questions that you want answers to.

When your child’s doctor, teacher, or therapist has information for you, get it in writing before leaving the office. If possible, have them e-mail the answers back so that there is no confusion about what was said or agreed upon. If you’re not comfortable with this option or don’t have access to e-mail at home, ask if it’s possible for someone from their team to call you over the phone with their answers instead.

Get all of these written communications together in one place and share them with other people who are part of your child’s life: teachers, therapists and doctors (especially new ones), friends and family members who can help out on occasion—anyone who may be able to give input into how best to handle a situation related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Find other parents in situations like yours.

One of the most important aspects of parenting a child with autism is finding other parents in situations like yours. This can help you feel less alone, and it can give you advice on how to handle things. If your child has an appointment or therapy session, ask other parents where they take their kids or what they do. You could also try attending support groups or joining online forums or communities that focus on autism.

If it’s not possible for you to find other parents who are dealing with the same issues as you, consider reaching out to family members and friends who live far away but have experience raising children with disabilities. They will likely be able to give some insight into what’s worked well for them in the past—and might even be able to offer advice while they’re visiting (or vice versa).

Your child can still have a great life no matter what their challenges are.

Your child can still have a great life no matter what their challenges are.

Having a disability doesn’t mean your child will be denied the opportunity to lead a happy and fulfilled life. There is no reason why you should allow yourself to feel like anything different than optimistic about them, or about their future. They are going to face challenges, but that doesn’t mean they will fail because of them! You just need to make sure that you keep loving them and helping them every step of the way.


The best thing you can do for a child with autism is to love them and support them unconditionally. They will need your help, but they are still capable of doing incredible things with your love and support.

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